Video blog - Monday, August 10, 2015  - Freedom of thought, speech, expression and right to my own opinion was suspended!

2015-08-10 13

Yes, this actually happened on google-owned youtube. I have done nothing wrong of the sort to warrant such an action taken falsely against my channel, and I feel this needs to be addressed. I'm tired of starting over all the time, but I will not give into those hindering my rights as a person, online or offline, because I like to express myself online.

This nonsense has to stop, and I hope Google does improve things, or just turn off youtube altogether. The site is rampent with abuse, bullying, harassment and stalking, and I am tired of the bots (yes, robots) judging what to do with a person's account without human intervention. I have appealed the action, and now will wait until then. If I get a denied or accepted, that will determine if I start fresh again, or continue on, where I was frozen from.